BUM to BUL: My Leadership Voyage
Francesca Arcuri Francesca Arcuri

BUM to BUL: My Leadership Voyage

Elevate your leadership journey from BUM to BUL. Discover the distinction between Managers and Leaders – envisioning vs. executing, right brain vs. left brain. Explore the compass of leadership and the engine of efficiency. Unveil your leadership potential today.

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Overcoming Procrastination – Increasing Productivity
Francesca Arcuri Francesca Arcuri

Overcoming Procrastination – Increasing Productivity

Overcome procrastination and boost productivity! Break tasks into smaller steps for motivation and create a chain of accomplishments. Embrace a positive mindset to unlock your true potential. Reach out for guidance and pave the way to success.

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Embrace After Training Support
Francesca Arcuri Francesca Arcuri

Embrace After Training Support

Transform your company's performance with a strong learning culture. Boost engagement, drive productivity, and foster innovation. Our "After Training Support" ensures lasting impact, maximizing your investment. Unlock a world of benefits.

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The Power of Productive Complaint Management
Francesca Arcuri Francesca Arcuri

The Power of Productive Complaint Management

As business owners and leaders, complaints from employees might seem like an inconvenience, but they hold the key to a more productive workplace. The Power of Productive Complaint Management is crucial.

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How To Manage Up
Francesca Arcuri Francesca Arcuri

How To Manage Up

Investing in training that helps understand how DiSC profiles behave, speak, and listen (or how to manage up) can be an excellent management tool to overcome these misconceptions and improve communication and to be heard differently – or more accurately, heard in the intended style.

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